miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

#4 HTML Hunting in the World Around You

Well, it's been hard but funny. These are my pics!

1. The DIV and the IMG tags

As the <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document, so we can see in this facility that the divisions are make to contain the logo and the name of the building.

We can se the logo itself is an image and goes into the <img> tag.


The <blockquote> tag specifies a section that is quoted from another source. In the speech of this personage we can presume he is making an extended quotation of a third source. In this case, John was reading a poem of Charles Baudelaire

3. The NAV tag

As <nav> defines a set of navigation links, i think this street signal is very appropriate.

4. The MENU tag

For the other side, <menu> indicates single column menu list, just like these handicrafts appears in our eyes as elements in a flow context.

5. The P tag

In the <p> tag, browsers automatically add some space before and after each <p> element. Just like our skin.

6.  The SPAN tag

The <span> tag is a generic inline container that is used for styling, as we can see in this tree that have its very different and particular style.

7. The TIME tag

The tag <time> is utilized to give a particular time or a date, as in the churches the bells used to do.

8. The LI, UL and OL tags

the <li> tag refers listing items organized <ol> or disorganized <ul>. These dumbbells show many items disorganized and some organized.